New Year New You- 6 Reasons You Dont Have a Flat stomach

New Year New you!   –        6 Reasons you don’t have a flat stomach

By Adam Doran

More times than not with male and female clients, obtaining the “toned” look to your stomach or “ripped abs” is the most common reason for starting a programme. If your anything like a lot of the clients I’ve worked with, you’ve probably fell into the same trap I have in the past, getting sucked in by the many of the conflicting views such as:  “ripped abs” dvds , fat burners, and new diets just to name a few that are being dumped on the market on a weekly basis, and fuelling our ever growing doubt of how to obtain the shape we desire!??

Well the good news is that if you use these guidelines and stick to them, you could notice a big improvement in your body fat and overall shape.

Here are some simple but effective reasons you might not be getting the abs you desire:

glass of water



1.Your Not Drinking enough water:

In today’s world of fast food and excessively processed foods, water retention is the norm.

most of us live  with highly toxic diets and little or no water to dilute these toxins. Water is so vital for our body’s to function that without it we would be dead. Yeah literally dead……

A recent studied found that at least 60% of us are chronically hydrated, so having a few extra glasses of water a day may be the difference in shifting that belly fat and improving your general health.

You see…..

When were dehydrated our body sticks on its “panic switch”, it stores whatever water is available in the body as it doesn’t know when it’s going to get its next fix.

So by just increasing your water intake you will have a big impact on your belly fat!

Aim to drink 1 litre of water for every 25kg of your weight every day.


2.your training your abs too much!

Ive fallen for this trap a few times! As the only natural thing to do when trying to get ripped abs is train abs more!

But for the size of the muscle group and the amount of calories you actually expend this is helping marginally if anyway in your success.

Try base your training around compound movements such as deadlift, squat, pull ups etc for the most effective results.


3. You have poor abdominal (core) control:

Abdominal control doesn’t end when you finish your workout. If you train your abs hard in the gym but then let them relax for the rest of the day, you’re making a critical error.

Instead focus on keeping them tight and pulled in as much as possible.

Eventually it will become a habit and you will improve your abdominal strength.


drop a jean size

4. too much alcohol :

Alcohol has a very negative effect on your fat burning abilities, as soon as it enters your body it “Puts the brakes on” your fat loss abilities.

Drinking too much will encourage fat to be stored around the lower stomach area (are prime six pack area!!)

While it may take some will power when ordering a water instead of a wine , it will show in your results.

5. you need to get some proper sleep

Do you find yourself staying late at work and telling yourself

“I’ll sleep in on the weekend”

Well that is a proven way to NOT get results.

It’s time to rethink your strategy .

Lack of sleep causes increased cortisol to surge through your system, and this potent hormone actually causes the accumulation of stomach fat.

So get to bed earlier, not only you’ll see the results on your stomach but your day will be more productive and you probably won’t be having to stay late in the first place!.

6. you need to relax more

So this one ties in with the sleep point, today more than ever we live in a stressful society, filled with people rushing everywhere, You see the problem is when were stressed we release a hormone called cortisol, when this hormone is released it will cause an imbalance in other hormones such as testosterone and estrogen leading to muscle wastage and a slower metabolism.

A good way I find helpful to relax is a cup of camomile or Tulsi tea, also some relaxing music and phone and TV’s of one hour before bed as these will keep you stimulated and stop you from switching of .

Try relaxing a bit more and it might be just the key your body needs to move the stubborn belly bulge.

So there we go, 6 reasons you don’t have a flat stomach,

Even if you’re following 5 of these points just one out of whack could be blocking getting rid of that extra bit of belly fat, so try stick to these 6 points to increase the speed of your journey to a flat stomach.

Give it a go ! 🙂

Adam Doran

Level 1 power principles coach

Dax Moy Personal Training Studios

re invent yourself

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